The Portland Area Theatre Alliance (PATA) supports and celebrates our region’s vibrant theatre community by fostering opportunity, innovation, and collaboration. Become a member today!

photo credit: Owen Carey

What is PATA?

We have three main objectives.

First, to foster the further development of theatre in the Portland Metro Area.

Second, to connect the Portland Metro area theatre community to each other.

And finally, to provide and maintain programs that support our community theatre makers.

We accomplish these objectives through our programming, our regularly update resources and our online database of theatre makers.

Production Photo by Owen Carey

The PATA Board & Staff

Who Are We?

The PATA Board is a collection of local theatre makers who meet once a month to discuss action items relative to the furthering of theatre in Portland. Each board member also serves as the committee chair or member of one or more of our 7 committees. Board members are voted in to their roles during an annual membership meeting.

Interested in becoming a board member? Please email for more information.

Matthew Miller

Matthew Miller

Interim President & Interim Treasurer

Harrison Butler

Harrison Butler

Interim Vice President

Jane Comer

Jane Comer


Cindy Wilkins

Cindy Wilkins

Board Member

Ann Singer

Ann Singer

Board Member

Valerie Asbell

Valerie Asbell

Board Member

Jacob Zahniser

Jacob Zahniser

Board Member

Kathleen Jones

Kathleen Jones

Board Member

Beverly Rose

Beverly Rose

Board Member

Eric Escanuelas

Eric Escanuelas

Board Member

Tyler Wright

Tyler Wright

Board Member

Carleena Manzi

Carleena Manzi

Board Member

Steffanie Goldsmith

Steffanie Goldsmith

Board Member

Shandra Terry

Shandra Terry

Board Member

AJ Wong

AJ Wong

Board Member

Sarah DeGrave

Sarah DeGrave

Office Manager

Get Involved

The Portland Area Theatre Alliance is a collection of people. From membership to leadership – it takes individual, personal investment to foster, cultivate and grow a dynamic theatre community. Click on one of the committees listed below to learn more about how you can get involved.

Membership Committee

Mission Statement:

The Membership Committee supports and manages the services provided to and for Members of the Portland Area Theatre Alliance. Our goal is to foster healthy and productive conversation between our theatre community and our organization. Our efforts move PATA closer to its strategic goals of developing quality theatre, building a stronger theatre community and increasing access to educational opportunities in the Portland Metro and surrounding areas.


The Membership Committee serves to advise the PATA Board of Directors on issues related to the structure, purpose, and growth of PATA membership. Keeping in mind the needs of Individual and Company members, as well as the mission and sustainability of PATA as an organization, the committee seeks to find ways of best serving our members and community. Topics of discussion include membership benefits and responsibilities, how to increase member engagement, potential areas of improvement in the member experience, how to best communicate the value and purpose of membership, etc.


The Committee is chaired by Ann Singer.

Membership: Members will be recruited and/or nominated. The PATA Board of Directors will give final approval of membership. 

Ideal Member Count: 7-9

Membership Responsibility: 

  • Attend meetings and participate actively on the committee.
  • Follow through with assigned deliverables in a timely manner.
  • Participate in PATA Member community activities (listening sessions, trainings, community events) as available.
  • Be an ambassador of PATA in your community.


  • The Membership Committee will have at minimum 1 meeting per month.
  • Members will adjust time, day and frequency of meetings to best accommodate the majority.

Interested in this committee?

Please use the contact form at the bottom of the page to submit your interest in the committee you wish to join.

Valentine Fund Committee

Mission Statement:

The Valentine Fund Committee exists to make sure the Fund meets the needs of the community.

The Committee shall:

  • Solicit donations to the Fund, and plan/coordinate events to do so.
  • Figure out ways to advertise the Fund broadly, and support the Office Manager in their work to do so.
  • Determine the amount of money available for disbursement from the Fund.
  • Maintain a list of application readers (the names on this list shall be anonymous except to Valentine Fund Committee members).
  • Communicate to application readers the amount of money available from the Fund and a rubric for determining qualification for the Fund.



The Committee is chaired by Matthew Miller.

Membership: Members will be recruited and/or nominated. The PATA Board of Directors will give final approval of membership. 

Ideal Member Count: 3-5

Membership Responsibility: 

  • Attend meetings. 
  • Participate in committee action items, which may include: 
    1. Social media and other promotional activities related to the Valentine Fund
    2. Outreach to the theatre community
  • Maintain and respect an appropriate level of confidentiality and anonymity regarding issues that the Valentine Fund Committee discusses. 
  • Participate in PATA Board and committee training opportunities related to equity, diversity and inclusion.



  • The Valentine Fund Committee will meet as needed to complete the work of the Committee.
  • Meetings will be called by the Chair.
  • 7 days’ notice via email should be given to the committee members of any special meetings.
  • If needed, the work of the committee may happen via email or virtual conference and shall not be limited to face-to-face meetings.

Interested in this committee?

Please use the contact form at the bottom of the page to submit your interest in the committee you wish to join.

Education Committee

Mission Statement:

The Education Committee works to present a broad range of skill and knowledge enhancing educational opportunities for our theatrical community. The goal is to offer a minimum of two to three workshops per month, covering a variety of topics, such as actor skills, business management, playwriting and development, and technical skills. We seek to offer content and instructors which align with PATA’s vision and values around equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility – which includes the committee’s commitment to having a minimum of 50% of the instructors who are members of the Global Majority. The Committee will maintain a list of interested and potential instructors, as well as ongoing interests input from the community. The Committee will seek input from the EDI Committee as needed related to content, promotion, instructor selection, and location.


The Committee is currently chaired by Mont Chris Hubbard.

Membership: Members will be recruited and/or nominated. The PATA Board of Directors will give final approval of membership. 

Ideal Member Count: 7-10

Membership Responsibility: 

  • Attend monthly meetings, as outlined below. 
  • Participate in committee action items, which may include: 
    1. Social media and other promotional activities related to educational offerings; which may include working with Office Manager.
    2. Outreach to the theatre community for interests and scheduling and appropriate in-person class locations.
    3. Assist with recording and updating workshop/class information.
    4. Other duties in support of other PATA committees, events, and activities – such as the annual Shakespeare and General auditions and Valentine Fund fundraiser.
  •  Assist with recruiting instructors and coaches for PATA educational offerings, which may include responding to interest forms, following up with questions and scheduling needs.
  • Share in tech host duties for educational and informational sessions (classes, workshops, information sessions), virtual and on-site.
  • Maintain and respect an appropriate level of confidentiality and anonymity regarding issues that the Education and Audition Committees discuss. 
  • Participate in PATA Board and committee training opportunities related to equity, diversity and inclusion.


  • The Education Committee will have a minimum of one meeting per month.
  • Members will finalize time, day and frequency of meetings to best accommodate the majority.
  • Regularly scheduled meetings may be canceled via email by the Chair, providing as much notice as possible to the members. Additional meetings may be called by the Chair as needed to complete the work of the Committee.
  • 24 hour notice via email should be given to the committee members of any special meetings.
  • If needed, the work of the committee may happen via email or virtual conference and shall not be limited to face-to-face meetings.


NOTE: As of January 2022, the Audition and Education Committees are temporarily combined

Interested in this committee?

Please use the contact form at the bottom of the page to submit your interest in the committee you wish to join.

Development Committee

Mission Statement:

In accordance with the organization’s strategic plan, the Finance and Development Committee leads the board’s participation in resource development and fundraising. The committee works with the staff to develop the organization’s fund development plan. The committee proposes policies and develops plans, procedures, and schedules for board involvement in fundraising. It helps educate board members about the resources needed to realize the organization’s plans and fulfill its mission. It familiarizes board members with fundraising skills and techniques so that they are comfortable raising money. The committee is the board’s central source of information about the fund raising climate in general, and about the status of the organization’s fundraising activities in particular. The committee plays a strong role in identifying, cultivating, and approaching major donors.


The Development Committee is appointed by and responsible to the Board of Directors to assume the primary responsibility for guiding and executing fund raising efforts to meet the budget of the organization.


The Committee is currently chaired by Matthew Miller.

Appointments & Composition

  1. Appointments of the Chair of the Development Committee shall be made annually by the Board of Directors, with the advice and consent of the committee members, and must be an existing Director.
  2. Other members may be appointed by the committee, subject to any conditions stated in the Bylaws.

Ideal Member Count: 3-5

Membership Responsibility: 

  • Develop long-term and annual fundraising plans that will generate the funds needed to meet the organization’s fundraising goal.
  • Develop a plan for involving Board members in the fundraising activities of the organization.
  • Investigate new fundraising projects, activities, and ideas for possible use in the future.
  • Submit objectives as part of the planning and budgeting process.
  • Submit regular reports to the Board on the progress of fund development activities.
  • Annually evaluate its work as a committee and the objectives it has committed itself to and report on it to the Board of Directors, based upon the Strategic Plan of the organization.
  • Report to the Board of Directors at regular meetings of the Board in a manner determined by the Board.


  • To be determined

Interested in this committee?

Please use the contact form at the bottom of the page to submit your interest in the committee you wish to join.

Equity, Diversity, Inclusion Committee

Mission Statement:

The EDI Advisory Committee supports and advocates for the vision and values around equity, diversity and inclusion. We seek to provide leadership for ongoing learning, discussion, dialogue and understanding about equity, diversity and inclusion by all members of the Portland Area Theatre Alliance (PATA), including the board, staff, members, and administration.


The EDI Advisory Committee is a recommending body; it shall serve to advise the President and the Executive team on equity, diversity and inclusion goals, strategies, plans, policy and projects. This committee shall be accountable for reviewing and advising the work of PATA’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion strategies.


The Committee is chaired by Samson Syharath.

Membership: Members will be recruited and/or nominated. The PATA Board of Directors will give final approval of membership. 

Ideal Member Count: 7-10

Membership Responsibility: 

  • Attend meetings and participate actively on the committee.
  • Develop and maintain a high level of personal accountability for individual continued education and knowledge of equity, diversity and inclusion.
  • Participate in training opportunities related to equity, diversity and inclusion.
  • Be an ambassador of equity, diversity and inclusion in all facets of professional role.
  • Initiate, facilitate and/or remain engaged in uncomfortable conversations about equity, diversity and inclusion.
  • Maintain and respect an appropriate level of confidentiality and anonymity regarding issues that the EDI Advisory Committee discusses.


  • The EDI Advisory Committee will have at minimum 1 meeting per month. 
  • Members will finalize time, day and frequency of meetings to best accommodate the majority.
  • Regularly scheduled meetings may be cancelled via email by the Chair, providing as much notice as possible to the members.
  • Additional meetings may be called by the Chair as needed to complete the work of the Committee. 24 hour notice via email should be given to the committee members of any special meetings.
  • If needed, the work of the committee may happen via email or virtual conference and shall
  • not be limited to face-to-face meeting.

Interested in this committee?

Please use the contact form at the bottom of the page to submit your interest in the committee you wish to join.

Fertile Ground Committee

Mission Statement:

The Fertile Ground Committee supports the Fertile Ground Festival of New Works, one of the largest and most public arms of the Portland Area Theatre Alliance. We are the liaison between the festival director and the PATA board.


Membership: Members will be recruited and/or nominated. The PATA Board of Directors will give final approval of membership. 

Ideal Member Count: 4-6

Membership Responsibility: 

  • Attend meetings and participate actively on the committee.
  • Maintain communication between the festival director (Tamara Carroll) and PATA.
  • Help organize and participate in Fertile Ground events, such as Meet the Media and the Kick off Party.
  • Provide support to the festival by taking on some light administrative duties.
  • Help look for and write grants for the Fertile Ground Festival.


  • The Fertile Ground Committee meets once per month.

Interested in this committee?

Please use the contact form at the bottom of the page to submit your interest in the committee you wish to join.

Audition Committee

Mission Statement:

The Audition Committee supports the Office Manager with planning and preparing for the annual Unified Shakespeare Auditions and the Citywide General Auditions, which have traditionally been held in early spring. The Auditions are hosted by PATA, but any callbacks, hiring, or decisions related to production work are the responsibility of the auditing companies. The Committee seeks to align with PATA’s vision and values around equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility in all activities.


The Committee is currently seeking a chair.

Membership: Members will be recruited and/or nominated. The PATA Board of Directors will give final approval of membership. 

Ideal Member Count: 5-7

Membership Responsibility: 

  • Attend monthly meetings, as outlined below. 
  • Work with the Office Manager in determining dates and location for the two sets of annual auditions, recruiting auditors, presenting Information Sessions with Q&A as determined necessary, and review of audition binder submissions for accuracy.
  • Provide tech or in-person host duties for Info Sessions.
  • Maintain and respect an appropriate level of confidentiality and anonymity regarding issues that the Audition Committee discusses. 
  • Participate in PATA Board and committee training opportunities related to equity, diversity and inclusion.


  • The Auditions Committee will have a minimum of one meeting per month.
  • Members will finalize time, day and frequency of meetings to best accommodate the majority.
  • Regularly scheduled meetings may be canceled via email by the Chair, providing as much notice as possible to the members.
  • Additional meetings may be called by the Chair as needed to complete the work of the Committee.
  • 24 hour notice via email should be given to the committee members of any special meetings. 
  • If needed, the work of the committee may happen via email or virtual conference and shall not be limited to face-to-face meetings.

Interested in this committee?

Please use the contact form at the bottom of the page to submit your interest in the committee you wish to join.


Please use this form to express your interest in visiting a committee meeting. We will get back to you with the contact information for the chair of your chosen committees and that person will help arrange for you to visit an upcoming meeting. Once you have decided that you would like to join one of the PATA committees you will be expected to attend two consecutive committee meetings and the committee will then vote on your approval to join.

What Committee(s) Are You Interested In?