Technical Support

We will answer questions in the order of submission. Prior to submitting to this form please take a look at the FAQ section at the bottom of this page. As common questions are answered, we will be adding that information to the bottom of this page.


Frequently Asked Questions

Take a quick look here to see if your question has already been asked and answered.

I found an error on the website. Who should I speak to?

Please use the form above to submit the issue you are having with the website. We will address your issue and reach back out to you for more information if necessary.

My profile or event image has disappeared.

To keep the website running smoothly, we monitor the uploaded files to be within the suggested size of under 500KB. If your image uploaded but has since been removed, please try uploading a smaller file size that fits within that range. We recommend resizing your image using the free tool or you can try “shrinking” your file size using the website

Helpful Videos

We have put together some helpful tutorial videos for our membership. Please let us know if there are additional tutorials that would be helpful by using the form above.

Updating your PATA Account and Profile

Using the PATA Member Directories

Submitting to the PATA Event Calendars

New Website Overview